Cookie Policy

We use cookies to improve your user experience on our website.

A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device that allows us to ‘remember’ you either for the duration of your visit (a temporary or session cookie) or for repeat visits (a permanent or persistent cookie).

We use essential cookies that allow you to access the Behaviour Hubs portal. Click here for more information.

We also use cookies that allow us to identify whether or not all of the pages which you request are successfully received and allow us to aggregate usage statistics about the site. This information enables us to recognise popular site features and further develop new ones, adding to the overall visitor experience of the site. For this we use a programme called Google Analytics, which is purely statistical data generating and cannot be used to find out the identity of a user. These cookies are anonymous and allow us to improve our websites. Click here for more information.

You can choose to manage the cookies we use on this website through your browser settings at any time. For more information about how to do this, and about cookies in general, you can visit (opens in a new window).